In a particularly American touch, Ariel will even become a digital centerfold in the December issue of Rage, Larry Flint's Gen-X pornomagazine.
We looked under the mattresses, but found only cigars and tattered pornomagazines.
I'd been reading about the concept for years in my stash of pornomagazines.
He was lighting a candle and flipping through some old pornomagazines, getting ready to beat off.
Inside, a large, semi-lit room with pornomagazines and empty for-rent movie boxes displayed on tall wire racks.
Uso de pornographic magazine em inglês
A pornographicmagazine seems an odd outlet for an ascetic soul like Malcolm X.
He turned the light on and found a sort of pornographicmagazine folded up on the floor.
During the arranged media shoot, he jokingly waved at wide-eyed passersby and posed with a pornographicmagazine for photos.
A young farmer, tending uninterested sheep in a field, bends over a pornographicmagazine and, ahem, spills his seed into a conveniently situated bush.
Jurors in Michael Jackson's child sex trial have been shown a pornographicmagazine containing the fingerprints of both the pop star and his young accuser.
All that a quick search revealed was a collection of hardcore pornographicmagazines.
He reached in, expecting the usual bundle of frayed pornographicmagazines.
Highly successful networked pages of pornographicmagazines are visited daily by millions of people, as are pages of scientific and medical advice.
PORNOGRAPHICmagazines and videos worth more than £20,000 have been found by Customs officers in a raid in Dublin.
London - Mechanics making Queen Elizabeth's new Jaguar car bomb-proof discovered pornographicmagazines and a painted swastika behind a seat panel, the Guardian reported yesterday.
In addition to the torture instruments, she had found a collection of violent pornographicmagazines and a large number of Polaroid photographs pasted into albums.
I've been doing some initial work that looks promising, but I was distracted by the need to expand and catalog my collection of pornographicmagazines.