There was much difficulty in finding a portmanteauword that would convey vegetables, eggs, and milk.
Farawayan is a wonderful portmanteauword created by O'Kelly to describe someone who is very far away and unwelcome.
But at some stage in the future we are going to have to coin a portmanteauword to capture it.
Every question by discussants on radio and TV when replied to in the affirmative is answered by the portmanteauword "absolutely".
This of course is the ancient trinity, the sacred "MA-AB-BEN", written as a " portmanteauword", "MABEN", the Mother-Father-Son trinity of the ancients, or Isis-Osiris-Horus.
He showed a strange inclination to "mulp"- aportmanteauword that Jumbo coined out of "mope" and "sulk."