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Significados de potential therapeutics em inglês
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Uso de potential therapeutics em inglês
These data warrant that spirodiketopiperazine derivatives be further developed as potentialtherapeutics for HIV-1 infection.
Phytopharmaceuticals are increasingly recognized as potentialtherapeutics in IBD.
Protein kinase C isozymes are under investigation as potentialtherapeutics for the treatment of chronic pain conditions.
These results suggest that calcineurin inhibitors merit investigation as potentialtherapeutics for certain forms of human heart disease.
Finally, transplantation models (xenografts)have been useful in the study of metastasis and for testing potentialtherapeutics.
These Nanobodies may deserve further evaluation as potentialtherapeutics in disorders in which EphA4-mediated signaling plays a role.
Human beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic mice are commonly used to test potentialtherapeutics for Alzheimer's disease.
Taken together, these results support further development of m336 and other human monoclonal antibodies as potentialtherapeutics for MERS-CoV infection.
The present review summarizes the studies identifying ligands for the RORs and evaluates their role as targets for potentialtherapeutics.
These objectives will assist the development of strategies and potentialtherapeutics to treat outbreaks of pathogenic microorganisms in the future.
Further development of 4'-E analogs as potentialtherapeutics for infection with multidrug-resistant HIV-1 is warranted.
The findings of this report can be used for future testing and comparison of potentialtherapeutics in mouse models of HD.
We developed a novel rodent NP task to investigate mechanisms underlying NP and its role in various disorders, and to test potentialtherapeutics.
Furthermore, these systems may be useful for examining the effects of microbiota, novel drugs and other potentialtherapeutics directed towards C. difficile infections.
Evaluating these enzymes as potentialtherapeutics, we demonstrate that these glycoside hydrolases selectively target and degrade the exopolysaccharide component of the biofilm matrix.
The gene knockdown activity of small interfering RNA (siRNA) has led to their use as potentialtherapeutics for a variety of diseases.