Ainda não temos significados para "powder cloves".
1Add a large table-spoonful of powdered cloves, and the same quantity of powdered cinnamon.
2Prepare a large table-spoonful of powdered cloves and cinnamon mixed.
3Add two large table-spoonfuls of ginger, a tea-spoonful of powdered cloves, and a tea-spoonful of powdered cinnamon.
4You may add some powdered cloves.
5Powdered cloves and powdered alum, rubbed on the gum and put in the diseased tooth will sometimes lessen the pain.
6Take a large fresh tongue, rub it with a mixture, in equal proportions, of salt, brown sugar, and powdered cloves.
7Serve hot with one cup of white sauce, dash of powdered cloves, one well-beaten egg, salt and pepper to taste.
8Take your black fish and rub it inside and outside with a mixture of cayenne, salt, and powdered cloves and mace.
9Season with salt and pepper, a pinch of powdered cloves, mace, allspice, and thyme, two bay-leaves, a small bunch of parsley, and two leeks.