An imperial decree that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land.
1Louis IX, by a pragmatic sanction, resists the papal claim to nominate bishops in France.
2This independency of the clergy of France upon the court of Rome seems to be principally founded upon the pragmatic sanction and the concordat.
3The celebrated ordinance, known by the name of Pragmatic Sanction, which Charles VII.
4One after another of his manifold principalities swore to observe the Pragmatic Sanction.
5Have not both England and France pledged themselves to support the Pragmatic Sanction?
6It had been arranged by a sort of general agreement called the Pragmatic Sanction-
7This new law of succession Charles issued under the name of the Pragmatic Sanction.
8By this treaty all the contracting powers gave their assent to the Pragmatic Sanction.
9But the treaties by which the Pragmatic Sanction had been guaranteed were express and recent.
10The Pragmatic Sanction had three principal objects:-
11The king, however, had the refractory members arrested and decreed the repeal of the Pragmatic Sanction in 1518.
12The most celebrated of all is the Pragmatic Sanction, which Bossuet called the firmest support of Gallican liberties.
13The parliaments persisted in rendering judgment, in such cases as came before them, in conformity with the Pragmatic Sanction.
14By a diplomatic maneuver the Pragmatic Sanction was annulled, and the Lateran Council was ordered to pronounce its death-warrant.
15The real gainer by the War of the Pragmatic Sanction had been neither France nor Austria, but the upstart of Brandenburg.
16England, France, Spain, Russia, Poland, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, the Germanic body, had bound themselves by treaty to maintain the Pragmatic Sanction.
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Translations for pragmatic sanction