Ainda não temos significados para "preach repentance".
1There are monsters who preach repentance, and philosophers who treat all pleasures as vanity.
2Those who preach repentance are in good company.
3I am to preach repentance and remission of sins to every one of you, says Peter.
4The Christian remedy is to punish crime and to preach repentance and salvation to "sinners."
5Be not fearful on the ground that we appear little and ignorant, but simply and without disquietude preach repentance.
6My office is to promote peace, to heal divisions, to preach repentance, and teach mankind to curb their headstrong passions.
7So Christ himself also began to teach and preach repentance: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matt.
8Again, Christ Luke 24, 47, commands the apostles to preach repentance, and Peter preaches repentance Acts 2, 38.
9On the other hand, She appeared there with a special and very definite end in view: to preach repentance to mankind, and especially to priests.
10Jesus told the apostles that they were to preach repentance and the remission of sins to all peoples (Lu 24:27).
11He preached repentance; righteousness; the Essenic rite of Baptism; and above all the Coming of the Master.
12It was John, him who preached repentance.
13' Preach repentance and remission of sins among all nations: beginning at Jerusalem.'
147 Noah preached repentance; and as many as hearkened to him were saved.
15Again, Christ preaches repentance, Matt.
16Is there any truth in the allegation that we do not preach Repentance as much as we ought to do?
Esta colocação é formada por:
Preach repentance ao longo do tempo
Preach repentance nas variantes da língua