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Significados de prevailed since em inglês
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Uso de prevailed since em inglês
English verse has prevailedsince Dryden first gave it vogue.
A deeper gloom than any that had prevailedsince the shipwreck fell upon them all.
France refused to comply with the custom that had prevailedsince it was conceded by Henry IV.
The oral storytelling tradition has prevailedsince Ancient Greece and the bedtime variant is its most precious iteration.
Partly, he hoped to repair the poor relations with the army that had prevailedsince the Blomberg-Fritsch affair.
I suppose, as Mr. Walker humorously remarked in his evidence, it has probably prevailedsince the days of Adam.
That could end the gridlock that has prevailedsince Republicans won control of the House in 2010, party figures said.
However, the extent to which SARS-CoV-2, influenza viruses and other causative viruses have prevailedsince implementing preventive measures is unclear.
He is the first European leader elected on an explicit promise to challenge the austerity policies that have prevailedsince 2010.
The calm which had fortunately prevailedsince Angut and his friends found refuge on the iceberg was not destined to continue.
The uniform practice which has prevailedsince the establishment of the constitution, precludes all doubt respecting its true construction on this point.
But, again, context is important: sterling remains roughly in the middle of a tight range that has prevailedsince the middle of May.