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Significados de prevented the fire em inglês
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Uso de prevented the fire em inglês
General Douai, by promptness of action, preventedthefire spreading to the Louvre.
Fire crews preventedthefire from reaching the houses.
It set fire to the houses of prominent Republicans, and preventedthefire brigade from saving them.
The inner ceiling has preventedthefire from spreading to the inner part of the church, containing rich art treasures.
In the afternoon, Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Controller Roger Ball said favourable weather conditions had preventedthefire from spreading.
The residents dug up sand and scooped it with spades, throwing it into the burning shack. The sand had preventedthefire from spreading.
Many instances have occurred where the tar paper roof preventedthefire from spreading inside the building, and developing with sufficient intensity to work injury.
When the food had burned, the hood had contained the short-lived flash of flames and had preventedthefire from spreading to the surrounding cabinetry.