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Significados de prime favorites em inglês
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Uso de prime favorites em inglês
One of the primefavorites is the "wasp dance," allied to the Tarantella.
To have the Greys patronizing their two primefavorites was too bitter a pill to swallow.
Gail and Shortie were primefavorites of his.
It is the good gift which the fairy god-mother brings to her primefavorites in the cradle.
His taste for philosophical poetry increased with his years, and Wordsworth and Shelley became his primefavorites.
They were welcomed in such fashion it was easy to see they were both primefavorites in that society.
Meantime the American commissioners made themselves at home among the hospitable Flemish townspeople, with whom they became primefavorites.
The winter-flowering carnations have become primefavorites with all flower lovers, and a collection of winter house-plants seems incomplete without them.
They were primefavorites, and their popularity, together with their natural ability and cool-headedness at critical moments, made them leaders in all sports.
They had always been primefavorites with the boys of the old Thirty-seventh, and that afternoon's exploit made them more popular than ever.