Dress or groom with elaborate care.
1Even in his primp he would have struggled to pull this off.
2Renée would primp for the shows, sew herself a new skirt.
3Why I thought when folks got married they did not primp at all.
4I straighten up and primp my hair for our march down the aisle.
5I'd never seen a guy primp so much in my life.
6Some immortals would always primp and preen for the media, and some simply wouldn't.
7She ran to the mirror for a final primp before he should see her.
8He ordered the drinks and I went upstairs to primp.
9Subway riders primp in front of full-length mirrors installed throughout the stations for that purpose.
10It's just that never in my life could I bathe and primp in mere minutes.
11But I brought you something more to primp with.
12She used one hand to primp her braids.
13Retracting the blade, he slipped the box cutter into his back pocket, and continued to primp.
14Have to primp and smile for once.
15The girls may want to primp a little before luncheon; we don't have a young man every day.
16None of this 'wait two minutes till I primp an hour or two' kind of business, now, Dele.
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