1Such works as this could not have existed without the printing machine.
2He prepared his plans of the new printing machine.
3But Koenig's printing machine was but the beginning of a great new branch of industry.
4Company founder Osamu Kitagawa came up with the idea while working at a printing machine manufacturer.
5Their daughter Amalia, one of six children, was in charge of the printing machine and distribution.
6The 'British Encyclopaedia,' in describing the inventors of the printing machine, omitted the name of Koenig altogether.
7The NT used vintage Lino machines for composing and its antiquated printing machine broke down quite often.
8Nevertheless, the latest machine was, for a printing machine, nearly new: its age was four years only.
9Such was the condition of affairs when Koenig finished his improved printing machine in the manufactory in Whitecross Street.
10The Company is also engaged in the purchase and sale of printing machine, squeegees and other screen printing equipment.
11I am again on vague promises for three months, and they resting upon the success of the printing machine.
12It would be much fairer to compare Koenig's steam- printing machine with the hand-press newspaper printing machine which it superseded.
13As was the case in England, the introduction of the printing machine in Germany excited considerable hostility among the pressmen.
14For some, the family conventions of December 25th are as difficult to move as a printing machine in Leinster House.
15There is nothing permanent about it except the ceaseless throb of the printing machine and the warm smell of ink.
16He was injured while feeding paper into a printing machine with the rollers running in a "crawl" position.
Translations for printing machine