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Significados de prominent ridge em inglês
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Uso de prominent ridge em inglês
A prominentridge runs up to the N. border; and on the S.W.
Her eyes were yellow-gold, deeply sunken and hooded by a prominentridge of brow.
Thick reddish-brown eyebrows did little to conceal a prominentridge of bone above the eyes.
There is a conspicuous crater on the N. of it, with which it is connected by a prominentridge.
There is a long central mountain on the floor, with a prominentridge extending along the E. side of it.
There is another whale, found in the northern regions, called the razor-backed whale, from a prominentridge on its back.
A prominentridge of great height traverses the formation from N. to S., abutting on the W. border of Lacaille.
To the east a prominentridge appeared, and with the glass it could be seen to extend inland in a south-easterly direction.
The woman has a sprinkling of freckles on the back of her neck and a prominentridge of cartilage along the top of her nose.
Two prominentridges, with a fine intervening valley, connect it with the N. end of Grimaldi.
The route climbs between the two prominentridges, then left up a knife-edge ridge to the summit.
No melting, hardening hooves here; his hands were just hands again-bigand powerful, their backs crisscrossed with prominentridged veins.
Sloat let his eyes roam appreciatively over the prominentridges of bone about her eyes, the tortoiselike shell of her forehead.
Their surfaces were seen under the microscope to be curiously marked by prominentridges, showing that the cartilage had been unequally corroded by the secretion.