Ainda não temos significados para "prompted accusations".
1His decision to quit France had prompted accusations of national betrayal.
2The announcement, which needs further approval, prompted accusations of mass surveillance.
3Sri Lanka's war against the Tigers repeatedly prompted accusations of human rights violations.
4The discovery of mass graves prompted accusations of genocide against Mugabe.
5The incident had prompted accusations of racism by Twitter and online forum users.
6Uber's much-loathed surge-pricing policy has prompted accusations of price gouging, market manipulation and worse.
7That prompted accusations from the Police Association she had succumbed to pressure from gun lobbyists.
8The protest prompted accusations of blasphemy from the Orthodox Church and acerbic criticism from Putin.
9The discovery of mass graves prompted accusations of genocide.
10The incident prompted accusations of police brutality, and violence spread from Husby to other poor neighborhoods.
11The incident prompted accusations of police brutality, and violence spread from Husby to other poor neighbourhoods.
12This has prompted accusations that the true scale of harm in privately run jails has been suppressed.
13The interview prompted accusations of misogyny.
14Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli has apologised for posting an image on Instagram that prompted accusations of racism and antisemitism.
15The charter has prompted accusations by Labour that Ukip is inappropriately diverting EU funds to keep its electoral hopes alive.
16The incursion prompted accusations that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was trying to deflect attention from scandals ahead of the elections.
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