Ms Hanafin said this would be necessary to protectsocial spending commitments.
There is a commitment to protectsocial welfare rates in addition to other benefits which vulnerable groups are currently entitled to.
The Government should get rid of the State's 111 tax breaks and protectsocial welfare in the Budget, it was claimed today.
The government says councils have been given an extra £1.1 billion to help protectsocial care this year.
If we fail to protectsocial work functions we could create serious risks to adults with mental health difficulties or older people who use services.
Before the 2010 general election, Cameron promised to "support" social housing while his soon-to-be ministers pledged to " protectsocial tenants' rights and rents".
If councils do not protectsocial care at all from the effect of the grants reduction, it will suffer a cut of 14%, or £2.2bn.
At each stop, Murphy made the same pitch of protectingSocial Security and the environment.
For Democrats, it's about protectingsocial security and Medicare.
A White House official said the compromise deal would protectSocial Security and Medicare beneficiaries from cuts.
Well-established law recognizes family as a protectedsocial group, according to the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies.
Let them work it." "It's very important that we protectSocial Security and our Medicare without cuts.
Trump backs such a cut as an economic stimulus, but the idea has stirred little enthusiasm among lawmakers, who worry about protectingSocial Security payments.