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Significados de protruding slightly em inglês
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Uso de protruding slightly em inglês
He was standing with his lips protrudingslightly towards hers.
His bottom lip was protrudingslightly, an oddly child-like mannerism.
The other curve read: CUNTLICKSHITPISSCOCKASSHOLETITGIVEMEANENEMABEATMELICKMEOWNME...Casimir's face waxed red and his tongue was protrudingslightly.
His midsection was open, a flap of skin dangling down, intestines protrudingslightly from the incision.
He stopped for a moment, however, just below the surface, with the periscope protrudingslightly above the water and took in his surroundings.
Instantly his suspicion took form, and, surveying her still more fixedly, he espied a corner of the precious paper protrudingslightly above her corsage.
A glistening pale brown sheet hung down along the whole wall, neatly edged into the cornices, protrudingslightly where it covered a framed print.