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Meanings of provide light in inglês
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Usage of provide light in inglês
He also put in the two windows to providelight.
Two small torches on the wall burned to providelight.
ITV, meanwhile, will providelight relief by sticking with its regular programming lineup, including Jeremy Kyle and Daybreak.
Illuminated "condom pompoms" providelight; a full-size action hero made of the contraceptives greets you on arrival.
Draya did as the goddess commanded, walking as fast as she dared with only the torch to providelight.
This station will be able to providelight & heat for 36,000 homes & factories.
Those artists, some with careers spanning over 40 years, providelight entertainment and insight behind some of R&B's greatest hits.
The night came while they were still at their meal, and sticks were thrown on the fire to providelight.
Art must providelight.
We providelight, and heat, although the latter is less important than it will be in a few million years hereabouts.
They say that the gnomes were the first to discover this image, when someone decided to providelight for the stalactites.
During the summer months the Eskimo has to providelight and fuel for that long half-year of darkness within the igloo.
So many more resources are going to be sucked into Dublin to providelight rail, roads, bridges, tunnels, schools, hospitals and community facilities.
But you must promise me that you will providelight afterwards, so that I may sketch myself a way back to my own chambers.
Plastic panes in frames of native wood now covered window openings crudely hacked through the walls to providelight and ventilation during power failures.
Its Italian unit provideslight effects for the annual Eurovision song contest.