(Pejorative) A fat or overweight person.
1The humble pudge of fat above the actress's pubic hair.
2Still, no matter your situation, there are several things you can do to minimize the pudge.
3The sudden presence of Suzanne in my room: her hot feral smile, the pudge of her breasts.
4She wears a blue dress that hugs her body from shoulder to knee, revealing a layer of pudge around her middle.
5Joyce had been a pudge when she was a kid, but over the years the fat had shifted to all the right places.
6It was now nearly dark, but we could see that the ice-floes were coming together, and crunching up a pudge of soft ice between them.
7He, too, wore a Phi Beta Kappa key, and so did Pudge.
8Old Pudge was going to law school and so was Jack Lawrence.
9Pudge waved to them from the candy store at the corner.
10Pudge rode on the trolley as far as the city limits.
11I dare say Pudge knows quite as much about it as I do.
12Genevieve, Pudge is outside; he'll take you out and buy you something cold.
13Pudge himself would have a private income when he was twenty-one.
14Ferdy Hillman, who was walking with Hugh and Pudge, demanded angrily.
15Pudge threw a stone in that direction and sauntered after it, pitching and throwing.
16Betty was rich, at least in the eyes of Pudge.