Ainda não temos significados para "purloin from".
1All the whole time you live, you purloin from life and live at the expense of life itself.
2Jimmy bought her a beer to celebrate, purloined from his favorite speakeasy nearby.
3The Imperial Ottoman Museum is full of good things purloined from other art centres.
4The Camellia Buds were fetching fuel, which they had purloined from the gardener's wood-shed.
5She rewards them with a kiss apiece, one of which Luttrell surreptitiously purloins from the prettiest.
6The letters, it later appeared, had been purloined from the Company's files by a faithless employee.
7The eyes were in proportion, and were covered with patches of red flannel, purloined from my mother's scrap-basket.
8For myself, I never turn a key anywhere, and no one ever purloins from me even a handkerchief.
9He accordingly pulled off the ragged shirt he wore and put on the article he had purloined from Paul.
10After a short interval, another pair appeared, and constructed a habitation, chiefly with materials purloined from the other nests.
11I have a machine for doing this, a bean-slicer, purloined from my mother who came across it at an auction.
12There are several fire rings formed from the perfectly round, perfectly white stones purloined from the border of the gravel path.
13Making a hasty grab for the box of patches they had purloined from the monastery, he slapped one on his neck.
14At eleven-thirty he locked up his book and took to his room the mysterious bundle which he had purloined from the stables.
15She had one of Amelia's ugly little ginghams, purloined from a closet, for size, and she worked two or three dainty wonders.
16I am strongly inclined to surmise that he would have preferred a pencil, purloined from the Treasury, to all the cedars of Lebanon.