Ainda não temos significados para "put in circulation".
1They accordingly put in circulation all manner of disparaging reports about his iron.
2What other stones Small might have put in circulation he did not know.
3To-day the first postage stamps of the Republic of 1870 were put in circulation.
4First, your visits here-aftercertain rumors that I have put in circulation-wouldarouse suspicion.
5The English regarded her with especial uneasiness, and put in circulation the most marvelous stories concerning her.
6As soon as the things were put in circulation they were known for the marvels they are.
7Which portrait shall we put in circulation?
8Nearly the whole were put in circulation, and additional supplies of some of the books were urgently demanded.
9A parody was immediately put in circulation in the galleries of the court-house, in verses that limped a little:-
10All sorts of stories were put in circulation about the place of his drinking, and the circumstances attending it.
11She was singing a popular tune,-oneof those songs which are monthly put in circulation by the singing Cafés-
12Officers receiving deposits of currency were expected, as far as practicable, to see that the silver dollars were put in circulation.
13M'Culla's project was to put in circulation notes stamped on copper to supply the deficiency in copper coins which Wood attempted.
14A certain number of copies were issued with this title (How many copies were put in circulation is not known.
15Every day the most alarming rumors were put in circulation and it was with a sort of passion that people went in quest of news.
16The consequence of his appeal was, that a coin denominated a florin, and representing the tenth of a pound, was struck, and put in circulation.
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Put in circulation ao longo do tempo
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