Extracellular purines and pyrimidines have major effects on cardiac rhythm and contraction.
The malaria parasite is unable to salvage pyrimidines and relies on de novo biosynthesis for survival.
Exogenous pyrimidines reverse DNA damage and rescue growth.
The availability of selenium-containing nucleic acids for crystallographic phasing offers an attractive alternative to the commonly used halogenated pyrimidines.
HIV-1 resistance is likely to limit the therapeutic efficacy of acyclic 6-substituted pyrimidines if they are used as monotherapy.
Skipping of short internal exons was reversed both in vitro and in vivo when purines in the upstream polypyrimidine tract were replaced by pyrimidines.
Notably, cell death results from pyrimidine depletion rather than ammonia toxicity, as CPS1 enables an unconventional pathway of nitrogen flow from ammonia into pyrimidines.
We report here the structural impact of these lesions within two decanucleotide sequences containing either 5'- and 3'-flanking pyrimidines or purines.