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Uso de qof em inglês
The proportional changes required for QOF payments to be cost-effective varied widely between the indicators.
Despite its achievements, there are concerns that the QOF may offer poor value for money.
Aim: To assess the cost-effectiveness of QOF payments.
Method: Cost-effectiveness evidence was identified for a subset of nine QOF indicators with a direct therapeutic impact.
The proposed amendment to the obesity register QOF could prompt improvements but has not been adopted for 2017.
These data were then applied to an analytic framework to determine the conditions under which QOF payments would be cost-effective.
The establishment of QOF disrupted rising trends in new prescriptions of antidepressants, which resumed following the introduction of incentivised case finding.
Second, assess whether the combined impact of the QoF targets and guidance enhances the prescribing of higher strength statins, mirroring the situation in England.
However, only a small subset of the indicators has been considered, and no account has been taken of the costs of administering the QOF scheme.
Results: Maximum payments for the eight interventions examined make up 57% of the total maximum payment for all clinical interventions in the (QOF).