Ainda não temos significados para "quiet movements".
1He sat near her, watching with delight the quiet movements of her hands.
2The house was full, too, of other people, whose quiet movements I heard.
3The figures looked like shadows as he caught glimpses of their quiet movements far below.
4In spite of her quiet movements, she was trembling from head to foot-withexcitement, not fear.
5She was bustling about to make them tea, if her soft, quiet movements could be called bustling.
6Was he not a devilish dog who, with, his quiet movements and sly expressions, was more than human?
7Hester sat erect, her slender body adjusting itself with unconscious grace to the quiet movements of the horse, which Meynell was leading.
8He was awakened the next morning by the quiet movements of a man-servant who had brought back his clothes carefully brushed and pressed.
9I think there must be something in the contrast of such quiet movements with such a big body that gets on people's nerves.
10Although not a stimulating companion, one loves to be where Amos MacGentle is; to watch his quiet movements, and listen to his meditative talk.
11He came in in a hurried manner, talking fast, making too much fuss; it was unlike his usual quiet movements, and Mrs. Ashton noticed it.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Quiet movements ao longo do tempo
Quiet movements nas variantes da língua