Ainda não temos significados para "raise gooseflesh".
1Instead of the noises lulling her, as before, this cacophony raised gooseflesh.
2It sent a shiver down the man's back and raised gooseflesh.
3The wind swirled between us, raising gooseflesh on my naked arms.
4It raised gooseflesh on her arms, despite the oppressive heat.
5Cold air blasted from within, raising gooseflesh on my arms.
6Asher laughed, and it slid along my bare arms like a touch, raising gooseflesh.
7His teeth nipped at the nape of her neck, raising gooseflesh along her body.
8The air went cold behind him, and mean, whispery laugh raised gooseflesh on his arms.
9His hair brushed her whenever he moved, silky and smooth, raising gooseflesh all over her.
10An unaccountable chill had raised gooseflesh and the hair on the back of his neck.
11The breeze raised gooseflesh on his naked body.
12Brother's presence raised gooseflesh along his arms.
13The cold raised gooseflesh on my skin.
14Their magic moved as well, tendrils of power teasing and exploring, raising gooseflesh as they ghosted over skin.
15The deep, haunting resonance of the bullroarer raised gooseflesh as much for its significance as for its sonorous timbre.
16A sharp gust of freezing wind buffeted her bare skin, raising gooseflesh, and whipped her hair into her face.