Ainda não temos significados para "ranged all".
1On its broad base are ranged all the multitudes of the earth.
2Under these hostile banners are ranged all living creatures, all created objects.
3Suggestions ranged all the way from Indian squaws to Druid priestesses.
4The grinded-out opinions about Facebook ranged all over the lot.
5The American black bear at one time ranged all over the United States and Canada.
6Eskkar's results ranged all over the barracks wall, the dirt between, and the sky above.
7My troupe had ranged all over the four corners under the protection of Lord Greyfallow's name.
8Such game as Buffalo, Elk, Antelope and Deer ranged all through that country in countless numbers.
9It ranged all over the camp.
10The philosophic part of the spectators were ranged all around, the remaining seats were occupied by a miscellaneous public.
11After we had cleared ourselves thereof we ranged all along the coast of Desolation until the end of the aforesaid month.
12He got a variety of names that ranged all the way from "Bush Robespierre" to the "Australian Abraham Lincoln."
13Estimates ranged all the way from $0.5200 to $0.6500.
14Hudson found them once in countless numbers, ranged all round a pampas lake in well-defined flocks, of about 500 birds in each flock.
15Now he was like a sick child that has ranged all its toys in front of it and finds no comfort in them.
16Heyl produced unexpected things from the rucksack-thingsthat ranged all the way from milk chocolate to literature, and from grape juice to cigarettes.
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