In games, abstract quantity associated with a player or team, which tracks the results of game play and determines the winner.
Examples for "score"
Examples for "score"
1Main outcome measures: Difference in AUASI score between baseline and 72 weeks.
2This score, of course, means away goals are no longer a factor.
3Personal credit card Pros: Building a credit score at 18 is smart.
4Your credit score is also a gauge of your general financial health.
5Another missed tackle from Canada saw Italy score again five minutes later.
1He had scored only three points total in the previous three games.
2But assuming that happens, can you actually build your points total right now?
3The Lightning own the National Hockey League's best points total, 71.
4We wanted to move our points total from 48 and we've moved it.
5Ireland's points total of 72 was just two better than Portugal's.
Translations for ranking by points