Make more subtle or refined.
Weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)
1She had to rarefy and let it through.
2The air consequently was damp and gross, for want of stronger rays to open and rarefy it.
3The rarefy of the atmosphere continued to affect the wood-work of the wagons, and the wheels were incessantly falling to pieces.
4But as such means are not at disposal, it becomes necessary to place the terminal in a bulb and rarefy the air in the same.
5This air augments its capacity for heat in proportion as it rarefies.
6Communication between parents and children has rarefied in the 20th century.
7If this was indeed a place of departure, that rarefied spot was the platform.
8Two balls were then used in a large air-pump receiver, and the air rarefied.
9The giant visitors had departed, and the Naval Academy atmosphere appeared to be rarefied.
10Heat acting upon air rarefies it, by which it becomes specifically lighter, and mounts upward.
11Of the latter, City's glamour factor would hit the rarefied air occupied by the exclusive set.
12The dining-room was whirring and shifting now; a curious lightness permeated and rarefied the heavy air.
13Some of the speakers had quite rarefied notions.
14And for the rarefied few who will take one, that may be its most appreciated virtue.
15To say, therefore, that the same matter is enlarged, without being rarefied, is to combine contradictories-viz.
16In its ascent the air is cooled, rarefied, and to a great extent deprived of its moisture.