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Uso de ratified the deal em inglês
The biggest polluter not to have ratifiedthedeal is Russia, which ranks 5th.
Only a handful have not ratifiedthedeal.
Party leader James Shaw said late this evening the party had ratifiedthedeal offered by Labour.
Mexico has already ratifiedthedeal.
The Philippines accounts for less than 1% of the world's emissions, and has not ratifiedthedeal.
Oslo - The Norwegian parliament ratifiedthedeal to accept Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic as new members of NATO yesterday.
Oil-rich United Arab Emirates also ratifiedthedeal, as did nations considered particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, such as Kiribati and Bangladesh.
PACER Plus has been beset by criticism that it favours New Zealand and Australia, the only two other countries to have ratifiedthedeal.
So far 17 states -mainly small island and low-lyingcoastal countries that are especially vulnerable to the sea-levelrise -have ratifiedthedeal.
India ratifiedthedeal at the weekend - the 63rd country to do so - and pushed the emissions threshold to 52 percent.
New Zealand, which ratifiedthedeal last month, has committed to a target of reducing emissions to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.
Through the State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), which covers about 42,000 members in 15 different unions, public employees ratifiedthedeal on July 17.