Ainda não temos significados para "rave about".
1Women would rave about him; men would think him finical and dandified.
2With my oil-phobia officially cured, I can't rave about this product enough.
3You rave about the beauty of flowers and trees-youthink them divine.
4Is there an Aldi item you rave about to all your friends?
5Her voice is lovely, and as to her looks-peoplerave about them.
6Still, how about that girl you used to rave about last summer?
7You do not mind hearing me rave about her, do you, Martha?
8I had best not begin to rant and rave about this.
9You used to rave about her, and you nearly ruined yourself in roses.
10She goes to Chicago, and the critics and everybody else rave about her.
11Many find it hard at first, but rave about the benefits.
12Branwell was dismissed, and returned to the parsonage to rave about his wrongs.
13You've got the old sweetness and flexibility that dad used to rave about.
14I've heard girls rave about their sweethearts, but I never could understand it.
15What people do rave about.... Well, brother, now I must not lose time.
16Even those with great hearing rarely rave about the crisp audio at a concert.
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