The Government had established a monopoly and forbidden re-exportation, but supplies were not up to the normal.
Salted beef is received freely for re-exportation; but if for home consumption, it pays five livres the kental.
England takes from them not only what tobacco is consumed at home, but very great quantities for re-exportation.
They were subjected, indeed, to a small poundage duty, amounting only to threepence in the hundred weight, upon their re-exportation.
It would be a convenient deposite for our whale-oil, of which, after the supply of Paris, there will be a surplus for re-exportation.
Uso de re-exports em inglês
Belarus then re-exports some of those goods, pocketing the associated charges.
The robust re-exports of electronics also points to demand for this sector gaining momentum.
There were no approved licenses for re-exports to Spain in documents reviewed by Reuters.
The company has to segregate the re-exports from any U.S. oil it carries in its pipelines.
In the new scheme, importing banks and agencies have to ensure that the requirement for re-exports is met.
In 1962, the Kennedy administration banned all Cuban imports and re-exports of U.S. products to Cuba from other countries.
Such re-exports would be controversial among environmentalists who are seeking to stem the growth in energy-intensive oil sands output.
The confusion over how importing agencies would comply with the rule about re-exports effectively halted purchases for about two months.
On Friday the U.S. government said it was restricting exports, re-exports and transfers of technology and equipment to the Yuzhno-Kirinskoye field.
The biggest recipients of non-oil re-exports from the city-state last month were China, Hong Kong and Malaysia, according to IE Singapore.
Tourism, coffee and mineral re-exports are the main earners of foreign currency although Kagame wants to transform the country into east Africa's service centre.
Critics of the Keystone XL pipeline contend allowing re-exports of Canadian oil from the United States undercuts President Barack Obama's pledge to protect the climate.
Non-oil re-exports from the city-state, for instance, grew 14.4 percent from a year ago, accelerating from July's 8.1 percent expansion.
Dubai, which has a substantial population of Iranian expatriates and last year generated $5.8 billion in re-exports to Iran, has followed that lead.
Dubai's non-oil exports and re-exports soared by 46 percent and 26 percent, respectively, in the second quarter, while imports jumped 17 percent, data has showed.
Re-exports are goods sent to Singapore for shipments to other countries.