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Uso de read the manuscripts em inglês
Ruth had no particular desire to readthemanuscripts.
He said, 'I am very unwilling to readthemanuscripts of authours, and give them my opinion.
And yet the Indian was a man of learning, and could even readthemanuscripts of his country.
When my books were all written, no one who had readthemanuscripts seemed to care for them.
The commission gave its encouragement to this effort, readthemanuscripts, and aided in determining to whom the prizes should be given.
Some of the pencilled comments have been identified as those of John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax, who also readthemanuscripts.
I readily consented, for I myself was desirous of passing a little time in solitude, in order to readthemanuscripts Heliobas had given me.
They seem to have been written after readingthemanuscripts, and prepared to accompany the printed volumes and tracts.
Let us imagine ourselves before him while he is readingthemanuscripts of Matthew and Mark, long after they were written.
He forms his judgements entirely by readingthemanuscripts His most spectacular called shot of the season was "The Talley Method."
He liked readingthemanuscripts and talking to the writers, being responsible for bringing a book into existence, the discussions, editing, galleys, page proofs, jacket.