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Significados de receive a present em inglês
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Uso de receive a present em inglês
To receiveapresent from a Congo chief is thus a very expensive honour.
We're decided that whoever gets the best answer shall receiveapresent from the rest.
Does it satisfy you to receiveapresent of the carcass of that coarse fop?
Could you receiveapresent from a foreign government?
He would rather "ketch dat 'ar gig" for five dollars than receiveapresent of ten.
You see, therefore, that it is possible for a man to receiveapresent by accepting what is his own.
Every birthday, rather than receiveapresent, he'd ask me to come to his flat and take something of his away.
Senator North might naturally feel surprise to receiveapresent from a young woman with whom he had talked exactly six minutes.
Others guessed he had an itching palm, and that he was hoping to receiveapresent for his "sacred advice."
Jim Holcroft can't get married and his bride not receiveapresent from me, and he put ten dollars in her hand.
Already his own men declared that he was neglecting razzias because he was to receiveapresent from me if we reached Unyoro.
If you see a particularly handsome snuff-box in Paris, remember-thoughyour father scorns Testimonials-hedoesn't object to receiveapresent from his son.
They repeat their visit the next day, and if they do not receiveapresent from you, they address you in the following manner.
At last it came to my turn to receiveapresent-oddlyenough, considered in the light of future events, it was a large monkey.
If, when dressing, one puts on any of his clothing wrong side out, it is a sign that he will soon receiveapresent.
The intelligent king, M'tese, should receiveapresent from our government, as a reward for having exerted himself to assist an English consul in distress.