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Significados de received a secret em inglês
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Uso de received a secret em inglês
The king receivedasecret subsidy for the next twenty years.
He felt as though he'd receivedasecret gift.
He had receivedasecret favour!
Nor did any of us know that while we were in camp, he had receivedasecret embassy from Sapor.
When she receivedasecret coded message revealing an assassination plot spearheaded by Isbar, even Jessica was surprised at the audacity of it.
Not long before he had receivedasecret message telling him to go to the city of Milan, taking his sword and pistols with him.
Of late he had changed, however, had appeared less formidable and with a lessened vigor of life, as though he had receivedasecret wound.
Cranmer, whether that he had receivedasecret intimation of their design, or had repented of his weakness, surprised the audience by a contrary declaration.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has described revelations that the former head of the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) receivedasecret €742,000 retirement pay-off as appalling.