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Significados de received brief em inglês
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Uso de received brief em inglês
We wrote long letters to them, and receivedbrief but pithy replies.
Sophie, being drowsy, asked but few questions, and receivedbrief replies.
They asked him about his trip, and receivedbrief answers.
At the agreed times he called the mother ship and receivedbrief acknowledgements from Rugon.
Van Berg addressed her affably two or three times, but receivedbrief and discouraging answers.
In the present study, 9 internal medicine residents receivedbrief MET prior to standard education in SBIRT.
He settled down in St. Francis Hotel, was interviewed by the cub-reporters on the hotel-run, and receivedbrief paragraphs of notice for twenty-four hours.
Sixteen percent reported assessment for all risks, 16.2% receivedbrief advice for all risks, and 0.6% were offered a specific referral for all risks.