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Significados de red-ear slider em inglês
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Uso de red-ear slider em inglês
Northlanders could also keep an eye out for red-earedslider turtles.
Prof Grace Flannery identified them as North American freshwater terrapins, either red-earedsliders or yellow-belly sliders.
Sightings of wild turtles, especially red-earedslider turtles, have been increasing recently, forcing the Northland Regional Council to think outside the square.
We investigated variation in immune responses of adult male and female red-earedsliders (Trachemys scripta) across the entire active season.
Collectors may harvest three varieties of turtles on private land; the red-earedslider, the common snapping turtle and five types of soft-shell turtles.
This study investigated the influence of environmental manipulations during development on behavioral variation in hatchlings of the red-earedslider turtle (Trachemys scripta).
We tested the effect of fluctuating versus constant temperature incubation regimes on sex ratios and other hatchling traits for both painted and red-earedslider turtles.