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Uso de reduced the numbers em inglês
Boc-D-FMK significantly reducedthenumbers of apoptotic cells induced by vpr.
ONO-8711 also reducedthenumbers of intestinal polyps in Min mice.
An intensive tracking and testing campaign reducedthenumbers to single digits by late April.
Despite ongoing allergen exposure, inhaled steroids reducedthenumbers of mucosal eosinophils, neutrophils and T lymphocytes.
In recent years the Met had reducedthenumbers of officers deployed to tackle demonstrations, he said.
The expert of a scheme in Finland which reducedthenumbers of rough sleepers could help in Wales.
According to PET, this has reducedthenumbers of prisoners studying, with only 50 taking the loans in the past year.
Serum of sheep infected with N. caninum, which has the anti-N. caninum antibody, reducedthenumbers of the intracellular parasite significantly.
The King and Dauphin returned to Paris, having defended their border-lands with credit, and having much reducedthenumbers of the lawless free-lances.
The Minister for Health today claimed the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) had dramatically reducedthenumbers on long term waiting lists.
A scheme in Finland which has reducedthenumbers of rough sleepers could also help the issue in Wales, according to the expert behind it.
Greek police registration officers working around the clock have reducedthenumbers of Syrian refugees stuck in miserable conditions on the holiday island of Kos.
Immunization of mice with rTsP reducedthenumbers of intestinal adult worms by 38.6% and muscle larvae by 41.93%.
LH2171 also reducedthenumbers of pathogenic immune cells, especially Th17 cells, in the spinal cord at the peak stage of disease severity.