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Significados de regain the ship em inglês
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Uso de regain the ship em inglês
Two seamen only managed to regaintheship.
Vandover looked out and below him and then made an involuntary movement to regaintheship's deck.
They would thus avoid many dangers through which they before unconsciously passed, and regaintheship far more speedily than by land.
Still, how the man who had thus nobly risked his life for my sake, and I could ever regaintheship, I could not tell.
Before it regainedtheship, Underhill felt a light puff of wind from the south-west.
It was not without some danger of being swamped that the boat regainedtheship's side.
The troops were hurriedly reëmbarked; and, barely in time to escape disaster, the flotilla regainedtheships.
In a moment they leaped across the intervening space, took their opponents by surprise, and quickly regainedtheship.
Their flight now became desperate and headlong; many threw themselves from rocks and precipices into the sea, and but a small portion regainedtheships.