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Significados de reintroduce corporal em inglês
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Uso de reintroduce corporal em inglês
There are calls in Samoa to reintroducecorporal punishment in schools following another violent brawl.
She also called on relevant authorities to reject a proposal to reintroducecorporal punishment in schools.
Last week Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said his government was planning to reintroducecorporal punishment to curb student violence.
Following calls to reintroducecorporal punishment, Egon Keil said it was currently illegal but all options need to be considered.
Samoa's Education Minister has made an about turn, saying the government has no plans to reintroducecorporal punishment into schools.
Calls by Fiji's head of corrections for a discussion on reintroducingcorporal punishment have been condemned.
Labour was crushed in the election and while the incoming National government pledged to take a look at reintroducingcorporal punishment, they didn't do it.