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Significados de releasing factor em inglês
Any of several hormones produced in the hypothalamus and carried by a vein to the anterior pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormones; each of these hormones causes the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone.
For example, corticotropin- releasingfactor regulates the homeostatic pattern of visceral functions during stress.
In both groups, histamine- releasingfactor production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was also measured.
Background: Histamine- releasingfactor was recently shown to be clinically relevant in allergic rhinitis and asthma.
In addition, a small subset of tumor cells was positive for growth hormone releasingfactor.
Corticotropin releasingfactor and adrenocorticotropin stimulation tests, as well as 24-hour urinary-free cortisol measurements were performed.
By contrast, Thy1-alphaSyn mice had an increased fecal response to novelty stress and corticotropin releasingfactor injected intraperipherally.
This blunted neuronal response was also associated with an attenuated stimulation of neuroendocrine corticotropin- releasingfactor transcription and plasma corticosterone release.
A highly specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay was developed for measuring circulating growth hormone releasingfactor (GRF) in human plasma.
Peak cortisol responses to corticotropin releasingfactor and adrenocorticotropic hormone were correlated with each other and with 24-hour urinary-free cortisol excretion.
The activation of brain corticotropin- releasingfactor (CRF) pathways has a key role in the behavioral and visceral responses to stress.
The lower production of histamine releasingfactor in the blood could be explained by the migration of activated T-lymphocytes in the skin.
Objective: To investigate whether genetic variants of the corticotropin- releasingfactor system or their interaction influence the risk of developing AUD in chronic disease populations.
Pituitary responsiveness to 44 amino acid human pancreatic growth hormone releasingfactor was tested under conditions of euglycaemia and hyperglycaemia in six normal subjects.
The stress peptide corticotrophin- releasingfactor (CRF) contributes to relapse to drug and alcohol seeking following withdrawal, although the cellular actions are poorly understood.
Vasopressin and corticotropin releasingfactor (CRF) are both critical regulators of an animal's stress response and have been linked to anxiety and depression.