Ainda não temos significados para "remark casually".
1Won't you miss me? Van tosses off the remark casually, like he's joking, but he's not, in fact.
2The shroff was clicking on his abacus, and left off snicking the beads up and down to remark casually that the compradore had gone.
3As he stood by his horse preparing to mount, he remarked casually.
4After regarding Mungongo solemnly putting away the machine Bakahenzie remarked casually:
5When the front door was heard to close upon him, Coombe remarked casually:
6Making a pretense of suddenly observing the man, he remarked casually:
7As we entered camp he remarked casually to the nearest man.
8Tommy Ashe looked over at his late antagonist and remarked casually.
9But in a pause of it he destroyed its tremendous importance by remarking casually:
10One evening in this period of dubitation Lane remarked casually:-
11He remarked casually that from Bangkok to the Indian Ocean was a pretty long step.
12At supper, that evening, the young woman remarked casually, Helen Ward went by this afternoon.
13When he returned, he remarked casually to Jim Tally:
14As Lady Veratrum left us, she remarked casually, 'His Grace will join us at tea.'
15Say, Katriny," he remarked casually, "he's a fine fellow, ain't he?"
16Tod Greeley, weighing out some tea, remarked casually: