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Significados de remarkable peculiarities em inglês
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Uso de remarkable peculiarities em inglês
Becquerel and Deslandres, M. Broca, Professor Michelson, and others-havepointed out some remarkablepeculiarities.
The skull presents nearly the same remarkablepeculiarities of structure as in the true Polish fowl.
As they were speaking of the various remarkablepeculiarities that had been noticed in famous women.
The spectrum impressed upon paper prepared with a weak solution of the hydriodate of potash presents some very remarkablepeculiarities.
Anton was a good child, who, according to his mother, displayed remarkablepeculiarities from the very day of his birth.
At the station farthest seaward, where the sounding is thirty fathoms, the observations at different depths disclosed some very remarkablepeculiarities.
Should it, on examination, exhibit any remarkablepeculiarities, we shall endeavour to obtain a description of it, to subjoin at the conclusion of this volume.