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Significados de remarkable tendency em inglês
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Uso de remarkable tendency em inglês
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis demonstrates a remarkabletendency to mimic other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
He discovered, however, that he had a remarkabletendency to drop his hand to his gun.
This remarkabletendency to form exclusive corporations is perhaps correlated with the absence of political life in India.
Rather, humans have a remarkabletendency to try to subjugate one another for their personal advancement and self-validation.
Mrs. Hudson's felicity betrayed itself in a remarkabletendency to finish her sentences and wear her best black silk gown.
Postmortem examination revealed gangrene of the heart and a remarkabletendency to gangrene elsewhere (omentum, small intestines, skin, etc.).
This picture, (showing seven nuts) illustrates a remarkabletendency on the part of young grafted trees to bear at an early age.
The mother states that for years she has had to check Hazel because she recognized her remarkabletendencies in this direction.
One of the most remarkabletendencies of the very young child in its responses to its environment is the tendency to recognise differences of personality.