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Significados de renewed industrial em inglês
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Uso de renewed industrial em inglês
AER Lingus faces renewedindustrial unrest because of a pay dispute with its 374 pilots.
The Irish Lift Contractors' Association is meeting today to discuss renewedindustrial action by electricians at Schindler Lifts.
Irish Ferries faces the threat of renewedindustrial action over the outsourcing of crew on its Rosslare-Cherbourg route.
Plans for renewedindustrial action by transport workers were endorsed yesterday by one of the biggest unions in CIÉ.
If the Dublin Bus strike goes ahead it could coincide with the threat of renewedindustrial action on the DART.
Rail commuters could face widespread disruption again next week because of renewedindustrial action by train drivers over union recognition.
Unions at Gama Construction are to consider renewedindustrial action following a resurfacing of the row over payments to its Turkish workers.
POSTAL deliveries in the Dublin area may be delayed from today because of renewedindustrial unrest at An Post's Dublin Mail Centre.
THE Aer Lingus group faces the prospect of renewedindustrial unrest this summer in both its airline services and its TEAM subsidiary.
The anticipated result would throw into disarray the reform plans of the Minister for Education, and raise the prospect of renewedindustrial unrest in schools.