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Significados de renewed purpose em inglês
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Uso de renewed purpose em inglês
Planet Earth disappeared as the laptop hummed with renewedpurpose.
She was dizzy with drink and sex and renewedpurpose.
Bidwell thumped the desktop, his eyes bright with renewedpurpose.
Antoine moved with renewedpurpose.
Whereas most of the Scottish left found a renewedpurpose in the Radical Independence Campaign, English nationalism has only benefited the right.
Barnet came out for the second half with renewedpurpose and Solihull had goalkeeper Ryan Boot to thank for keeping them in front.
It has found renewedpurpose since Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, sending battalions to the Baltics and Poland to deter potential Russian incursions.
With renewedpurpose, the troupe continued their climb, following the elusive orange glow until the floor levelled, becoming a path between hewn stone walls.
Is "momentum" just another sporting cliche or does Rosberg acknowledge that Hamilton, driving with renewedpurpose and fluidity, could be on an unstoppable charge?
"Check e-mails, texts, phone records, everything that leaves a trail," she said, and watched them cancel their evenings and hit the phones with renewedpurpose.