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Significados de resolved however em inglês
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Uso de resolved however em inglês
Our friend resolvedhowever not to be foiled in his wish.
I resolvedhowever to work hard, and thus grow cool, and quick, and forceful.
Longer term, the problems are far from resolvedhowever.
He resolvedhowever to go and visit the prison disguised as he was, and see the vizier.
She resolvedhowever (knowing the privilege of her country's law) to select for herself a future proprietor.
To be resolvedhowever, she determined to consult her constant adviser, Mrs. Jakeman, and accordingly repeated to her what had passed.
He resolvedhowever on facing the consequence of his acts and sharing the fate of the Irish rebel to the bitter end.
I resolvedhowever, before turning southwards, to extend our journey to the isolated mass already mentioned, which I afterwards named Mount Arapiles.
The following May the Liberal Government resolvedhowever, rather suddenly, to reverse their previous policy, and the Irish leaders were set at liberty.
He resolvedhowever, that nothing should induce him to pay honor to their gods, or to take any part in their bloody sacrifices.