But in this nature revolutionism is softened, harmonised, subdued as by distance.
He would not hesitate to say that the revolutionism preached in the newspaper called the 'Tocsin' was dangerous, was immoral.
Apophatic theology is that which focuses on what cannot be said of God: an apophatic revolutionism, unashamed to go beyond words.
Unconsciously, but not accidentally, Dickens was here working out the whole true comparison between swift revolutionism in Paris and slow evolutionism in London.
Raphanel was another of the vague, mysterious Anarchists whom Janzen had presented to the Princess by way of satisfying her momentary passion for revolutionism.
But their "Revolutionism" is purely aesthetical and is conspicuously empty of ideas.
Revolutionism was not only, or chiefly, libertinism; and the wonderful modern France has largely disappointed his predictions.
You would be interested in the methods, but your peaceful Revolutionism, which disdained physical force, would regret their application.