Someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication.
1After nine months, he became a rewrite man, and after eighteen years, managing editor.
2This success as rewrite man made Tranter see that there was still money in literacy.
3A complete rewrite man, like our Willy Shakespeare.
4I was maybe the fastest rewrite man.
5Christopher Logue, the poet and playwright who called himself the " rewrite man", has died at the age of 85 at his home in London.
6Ames was the king-pin, the snowy-petalled Marguerite, the star-bright looloo of the rewrite men.
7The rewrite men on the Record didn't have the facts, but they had accurate imaginations.
8Vesey always wrote his own news stories, except the big ones, which were sent to the rewrite men.
9"Yes," I shrugged, "but you can't get me much excited by what the rewrite men on the Record say."
Translations for rewrite man