Ainda não temos significados para "rocky butte".
1Likewise the lions see him, and promptly depart to thick cover or rocky butte.
2It also faces the rocky butte of BlackSky Ridge.
3Out of the valley there rises a rocky butte, abrupt almost as though it were some monstrous vegetable growth.
4Campbell doesn't reply at first, concentrating on the road that climbs sharply up the steep slope of the rocky butte.
5This slope ended in a scattered range of low rocky buttes.
6There were rocky buttes and hills all about him now.
7Three or four rocky buttes were in our way, near the debouchure of the pass.
8A company of infantry are target-practising at the foot of rocky buttes just outside the town.
9At other points were gray, verdureless slopes and rocky buttes, or saline mud-flats that looked like the old bed of some ancient sea.
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