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Significados de rocky crags em inglês
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Uso de rocky crags em inglês
Waterfalls as if suspended from the rockycrags, scattered in a smoke-like spray.
The woman momentarily glanced at the rockycrags flashing past the moisture-laden windows.
Mexican gray wolves, ocelots, and jaguars once prowled the rockycrags of the Stronghold.
The eagle was floating above the rockycrags.
Thirty kilometers beyond Deggendorf they approached Regen, a medieval city in the shadow of rockycrags.
The car continued its giddy ascent, passing one of several steel trestles that rose from the rockycrags.
Without adequate climbing gear, no one could get up the back way and hide deep within the rockycrags.
Now Buliwyf veered away and led us in another direction, toward high rockycrags swept by the ocean winds.
Above it, bare rockycrags rose to a spectacular peak, while below, the pine forest softened the steep landscape.
The yell he set up echoed back from the naked, rockycrags that towered at the back of the camp.
Above her head rose high, rockycrags, from whose crevices clung bushes and stunted trees with their crest of snow.
After three days of hard riding, they passed into the rugged and mostly empty land of rolling hills and rockycrags.
With a cry like wind screaming among the rockycrags of some mountain cavern, the Death Lord came, rushing toward Sisel.
There, rockycrags and deep ravines-mostlikely blanketed with Britannia's infernal fog-providedenough cover to hide several Legions' worth of barbarian warriors.
Nine figures trooped silently into the ruins of a city that might easily have been mistaken for the rockycrags on the nearby hills.
They were out on a cliff and at a distance Sid Todd pointed out two nests perched up on the top of rockycrags.