Young Josiah began experimenting on a new design which finally resulted in a patent upon a combination ball and rollerbearing.
Each is provided with a damper which operates on a shaft turning in rollerbearings.
The company manufactures needle, cylindrical, spherical and taper- rollerbearings.
Bolted to the cylinder head is a huge turbocharger with low-friction rollerbearings and an innovative electronically controlled wastegate.
But even Harrison was unable to miniaturize the antifriction wheels and the caged rollerbearings for the construction of H-4.
Note the use of the deflectometer with indicator and dial for measuring the deflection; also rollerbearings between beam and supports.
It offers auto assembly components, ball bearings, tapered rollerbearings, magneto bearings, clutch release assemblies, fan support assemblies and cylindrical rollerbearings.