Examples for "row"
Examples for "row"
1A similar gas row briefly disrupted supplies to Europe three years ago.
2He missed this particular gig for the second year in a row.
3Last year was the fifth year in a row that output fell.
4There's that perfectly formed, immaculately dressed young group in the second row.
5The row comes at a time of growing political divisions in Spain.
1There is, however, the strong sense that the EU is rowing upstream.
2The event is the first Ireland trial of the new rowing season.
3It was a thrilling morning for Ireland rowing -and Irish sport.
4Then the men stop rowing and the yawl drifts with the current.
5This fall rowing was a particular fad of the Pinewood Hall girls.
6Anderson was in the small boat, rowing rapidly out to the vessel.
7In the stern sat Master Martin Newcombe, and two men were rowing.
8As spring came in the school talk turned to baseball and rowing.
9Harvesting energy from a rowing bicycle tire is demonstrated in this report.
10I signed to the men to cease rowing, and waited in wonder.
11I went to the University of New Hampshire and got into rowing.
12The galley was now rowing all her oars, and in full pursuit.
13So saying the boatman stopped rowing the boat and dropped an anchor.
14Just then the voices were heard again and the boys stopped rowing.
15November is turning out to be a busy month in Irish rowing.
16New Zealand's former Olympic rowing champion Dudley Storey has died aged 77.
Rowing nas variantes da língua